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Less stress. Better opportunities.
More time to enjoy senior year.

Private college counselor near me

Kickstart your college search as early as Freshman year

RingTrue will share the information, tips and tools that high school students need to navigate the college search and admissions process successfully.

Structure, tools and support for success with college admissions

RingTrue's personalized college counseling services help students feel confident in their choice of majors, colleges and more!

Getting into college

Learn how to use your talents and strengths for lifelong success

We help you identify your natural talents and strengths and use them to your advantage in choosing courses and activities, building your list of majors and colleges, and more.

Celebrate college admissions success
woman leaning on table and holding paint

Build an attractive student brand for admissions and scholarships

Admissions counselors are looking for distinct students who will make a difference once on campus. Our coaches show you how to stand out in today's very competitive landscape.

Time and space to finish your essays, build your college list and more

The hardest part of the college admissions process is keeping the momentum going through to every detail of your final submissions. We have the resources to help you finish strong.

Applying to college
woman in black and white sweater sitting

Private sessions give you help on the things you need the most help with

Perfect for late-start rising Seniors or students wanting more targeted support with any area, such as course selection, choosing majors, building a college list or admission applications.

Get started with a free consultation

Use our online booking tool to schedule your first session, or reach out to us for more information.

College admissions services
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