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College Counselor
for Omaha Students


Studying Together

Helping Omaha students find their best-fit majors, colleges and strategies . . . for a more successful college admissions  experience

The college search and admissions process has become extremely complicated and competitive. With so many details and deadlines, it's no wonder that so many students tend to either procrastinate, or give up completely and default to the easiest route as possible to college.

At RingTrue, students get the structure, tools, and support that help them feel confident in their choices. The end result for families is less stress and greater success in finding each student's best-fit majors, colleges and more.



Hello! I'm Sharon Carleton. I've been specializing in career and college counseling in Omaha for more than 10 years. I'd love to help you or your student find the most authentic path forward based on natural talents and preferences.

The most important thing to know in this process is that time is a student's biggest advantage. So don't wait – reach out to me today and let's get started!

Set up a free 30-minute consult call

or contact us with any questions today.

Your free 30-minute consultation call is designed to help families determine if RingTrue college coaching is right for you. Your consult will include:

  • A review of student's academic record, future goals and current needs

  • An overview of RingTrue's related service offerings and pricing packages

  • Answers to any questions you have about RingTrue's process or services

Omaha high school students please note: At least one parent is required on your call.

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